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Residential Complex Security System Upgrade

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Residential Complex | Security Upgrade

East Village

Scope of Work:

Intercom system wire toning and marking in 7 building entries with 150 apartments in each.
Rewiring, design and installation of 7 new intercom panels audio and video stainless steel custom made panels and the integration with the new aluminum and glass heavy duty front and vestibule doors of each building. Integration of access control system with all new building doors and the intercom system, to repair and improve the tenants access to the building with key fobs and mobile app. Restoring service to all 1500 apartments in the complex, improving user experience and the management visibility and control over access and communications within the complex security.

Property Information:

Village View housing co-op

Location: East Village, New York, NY
Number of buildings: 1


Custom made stainless steel intercom panel
Smartair access control and keyless locks
Folger Adams electric strikes
Aluminum and Glass doors
Mul-t-Lock master key system

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