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Winter poses significant challenges to home security

Frigid weather, icy sidewalks, snow-covered driveways and frozen locks can all create major security problems in winter, especially since many homeowners take security shortcuts when faced with such annoying weather conditions. According to a recent release from SecuritySystemsReviews, there are simple things that consumers can do to ensure they can maintain security despite the challenges presented by winter.

One simple way to improve security is to always clear driveways and sidewalks of snow. The news source said that unplowed areas are a sign of nobody being home to burglars. As a result, individuals who leave their sidewalks and driveways unplowed create an environment where their home could become a target.

Taking the time to properly lock doors when leaving is also important. According to the release, many people get so anxious to get out of the cold when leaving the house that they do not properly lock access points. This can create major problems down the road.

Advanced access control systems, such as mobile applications, can help homeowners overcome this challenge. Mobile security solutions allow individuals to control locks remotely. As a result, a person can quickly go to the car to escape the cold and use the device to lock the door properly.

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