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RFID technologies can increase school security

Radio-frequency identification technologies are being used more often in school systems because of their multi-functional abilities. Rather than carrying traditional magnetic swipe ID cards, for example, students will soon have RFID-based accessories that can be used for everything from confirming an individual’s identity in access control systems to taking attendance in a classroom, according to a report by Labeling News.

RFID technologies can also be integrated with expensive equipment, such as computers and projectors borrowed from the school’s IT department, so administrators can keep track of assets and ensure nothing goes missing, the news source said.

Additionally, RFID can enhance building security. Officials can distribute temporary RFID-based cards to parents and visitors that allow security guards to monitor an individual’s location and make sure he or she stays in designated areas, Labeling News said.

A separate report by ABI Research took note of the growing opportunities for RFID and forecast the technology’s market to produce more than $70 billion in revenue from 2012 through 2017. In addition to schools, government, retail and transportation industries are also poised to be major contributors to the growing use of RFID.

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