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How did this Chinese artist rebell against government surveillance?

Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist notorious for his harsh criticism of the Chinese government, claimed last Wednesday that his latest endevour to attack the authorities has been shut down.

Mr. Ai was detained last year for 81 days, without charge.  Since he was released from his detention he was under constant governmetn surveillance, by cameras and even plainclothes police officers.
To commemorate the one year anniversary of his unexplained arrest the artist has set up a website in which he turns the creepy government surveillance on himself – four live surveillance cameras streamed his every action in his own home.

But it seems that his rebellious statement made some uncomfortable.  His artistic endevour was shut down within 46 hours of launching.  The website, weiweicam.com is no longer operating.

Mr. Ai, communicating with friends and followers via his twitter account, managed to write “Byebye to all the voyeurs” before his site went dark.

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