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School Security

Unfortunately school security is something all communities need to address with vigilance.  There are a number of technological innovations that communities can use to enhance school security. Read more below or contact us today for a security consultation.

Mini Safe Keeps Valuables Secure At School & When Traveling

Mini Safe For School One of the hottest Back-To-School items at Paragon is the Master Lock Portable Safe. They are the ideal personal security solution for on-the-go middle school, high school and college students. It’s large enough to hold keys, phones, money, medication and other small important items of value. But lightweight and portable enough […]

Eagle Eye On-Demand Cloud Video Surveillance

100% On-Demand Cloud Security Camera System The Eagle Eye Cloud Security Camera VMS provides 100% cloud management, 100% mobile and web browser viewing, and if you want – 100% cloud recording. Architected from the ground up to be all cloud all the time. You can click and add a camera at any time. You can […]

Newtown Welcomes New Sandy Hook Elementary School

Newtown, Connecticut opens new Sandy Hook Elementary School four years after a mass shooting in the town shook the country. The design of the new school was created with input from security experts, community members, first responders, teachers and parents. Architects from Svigals + Partners and the Consigli Construction Company completed the building in 2015. […]

Safeguarding Our Schools, Children And Teachers

When it comes to education, it is essential for students to have a safe but welcoming environment, in which to grow. Schools have long struggled with finding the right balance in creating this learning environment. The challenge is in maintaining the flow of day-to-day academic activities while still protecting students against unauthorized entry and access […]

The Impact of Electronic Access

Electronic, programmable locks can offer superior protection without forcing users to sacrifice convenience.

Revamping college access control systems

Updating an access control system at a major university is no easy task.

New security devices in Nebraska schools

According to a recent article in Thejournal.com, the North Bend Central School District has started using a high-tech surveillance system with security cameras and video surveillance to help protect the school children and decrease incidents of vandalism. The school buildings are a part of one of the most advanced integrated security systems available. Access control […]

Upgrading Security in Camden High Schools

The Camden City School District has unveiled $1.4 million high-tech security systems at Camden and Woodrow Wilson high schools just in time for the new school year. Students will be much safer thanks to new, high-resolution digital security cameras and security doors that require ID swipe cards to open, philly.com recently reported. The technology, paid […]

Integrated Security Systems in Schools

The security of children has become an increasingly important issue. That’s why even school districts have begun to opt for high-tech integrated security systems when allowing visitors to enter the property. A story recently appeared on IslandGazette.net pertaining to the installation of such systems in New Hanover County schools. Video intercom systems have been linked […]

Upgrading Classroom Security

Safe School Week will be observed across the nation from October 19th to the 25th. This is the right time for schools to focus on what security procedures are most effective. Physical security needs to be a priority, as just controlling bullies is not enough. According to a story published on www.securityinfowatch.com, there needs to […]

Security Cameras in Alabama Schools

Recently, the Mobile County School System in Alabama has decided to expand the security in their elementary schools. This will not be done by police officers or security officers but rather by security cameras. According to a story recently published in www.wkrg.com, Mobile County middle and high schools have had security cameras since early 2000. […]

Access Control Systems at CSU

To strengthen security and safety at both the main campus and River Park campus, Columbus State University contracted with an outside security consultant to evaluate campus security operations. According to a story published in http://www.wtvm.com, several recommendations came from the security consultant and are leading to significant upgrades to the university’s integrated security systems. The […]

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