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Business Security

Whether your business is a retail store, an office or another type of commercial setting Paragon Security & Locksmith has the knowledge and experience to solve any business security problem.  Read about the many aspects of our experience below or contact us today to get started.

3 Steps for Small Business Security in NY

Mobile technologies could change business access control processes

Access control is a key component of business security strategies, as a good access control solution does more than just prevent unauthorized entry to an office.

Businesses Use Intelligent Key Management To Reclaim Assets

Minimizing loss associated with accidental damage, theft, and personal injury is a top priority for successful business. Where better to begin than by eliminating unauthorized access to company assets and resources by reclaiming the keys to commercial castle. Unfortunately, when a conventional key is stolen, mislaid, or inadvertently taken home, company security is compromised. Even […]

Protecting Your Home or Business

Last year, according to the New York City Police Department, there were approximately 20,000 burglaries throughout the city. It might come as a surprise to many people, but in most home invasions, the criminals enter right through a building or apartment’s front door; either the door was forced open or the intruders opened it with a […]

Alternatives to keys in business security systems

Keys are fine for the home. You may need a key to your front door, back door, dead-bolt and possibly a few interior doors, and those can be kept on a separate key-ring. For businesses, there are just too many doors that need to be locked to make keys viable.

Paragon Security – Last Year in Numbers

Surveillance goes beyond security in retail

Video surveillance systems can be used in a number of applications within the retail industry.

Surveillance in education, healthcare and retail

Video surveillance systems can be used in a wide variety of industries, including everything from retail to education to healthcare.

Integrated security systems common in retail, report says

Retailers are in a constant struggle against crime, as decision-makers are forced to deal with employee and outsider theft on a regular basis.

Lighting is important for video surveillance

Video surveillance systems can be one of the most effective tools used to deter crime in the private sector.

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