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Business Security

Whether your business is a retail store, an office or another type of commercial setting Paragon Security & Locksmith has the knowledge and experience to solve any business security problem.  Read about the many aspects of our experience below or contact us today to get started.

Commercial Building Security Systems

Commercial Building Security System: A Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Solution Introduction to Commercial Building Security Systems When it comes to safeguarding your business, selecting the right commercial building security system is paramount. A well-designed commercial building security system is more than just a collection of alarms and cameras; it’s a comprehensive solution tailored […]

Exclusive In-Store Safe Special

20% OFF Exclusive In-Store Safe Special Safeguard what you value most. Pick any floor model safe at our 24 W. 8th St., NY location and receive 20% off. In-store purchase only. Don’t forget to mention promo code PARAGONSAFE to receive your discount. Choosing the Right Safe Choosing the right safe takes a great deal of […]

Boosting Physical Security In Retail For The Holidays

Retail executives often look forward to the holidays for the entire year, as the jingle of the cash register opening and closing is like music to their ears.

Access Control Takes A Front Seat In Office Security

Many organizations face a unique security challenge because it can be so difficult to control who enters an office building and what they do while they are there.

Your Key To Security In New York City

When you are making a move there is a lot to keep in mind. You have to stockpile finances to deal with all kinds of deposits, fees and general expenses. You also have to deal with a lot of logistics issues and paperwork to make the entire move possible.

Loss Prevention & Beyond: How Video Innovation Enriches Retailers

Technology Report: SourceSecurity.com By Larry Anderson The retail market is facing unprecedented challenges as brick-and-mortar locations struggle to redefine their role in the age of online commerce. Retailers also deal with continuing, age old requirements to minimize costs in a competitive landscape and to provide services and a customer experience that encourages repeat business. Video […]

Customer Needs Drive Security Innovation

This article written by Roie Telyas was originally published to the Brivo blog as Innovation Secures Our Future. Paragon is a proud retail provider of Brivo products.  Innovation Secures Our Future Customer needs drive every business, and this has never been more true than in the security and locksmith industry. As the world becomes more digital and fast-paced to accommodate our […]

Keyless Access In New York City

Written by By MICHELLE HIGGINS | The New York Times New York Discovers Keyless Entry Systems In the next few months, residents at a handful of buildings in the city will be able to walk up to their apartment doors and go inside without fumbling for keys. And if the dog walker or cleaning service […]

Layered Access Control For NYC Businesses

Security and regulatory compliance needs create a business environment in which organizations have to carefully control who has access to different types of information. While the focus of such discussions is often on the IT side of data protection, many companies maintain paper records, in-house IT infrastructure and other physical assets that have to be […]

Winter poses significant challenges to home security

Frigid weather, icy sidewalks, snow-covered driveways and frozen locks can all create major security problems in winter, especially since many homeowners take security shortcuts when faced with such annoying weather conditions.

Eliminating retail theft with advanced security tools

When most people hear the term “retail security,” they automatically think of theft, people physically stealing items from the store.

Integrated security systems support long-term business growth

Companies of all sizes need to have advanced physical security systems if they want to remain safe from vandals, thieves and other malicious individuals.

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